Wednesday, July 18, 2007

300 and 1

George Washington Carver

Most of you probably recognize him as the so-called genius who invented 300 uses for the peanut. You might think PB&J would applaud a man who found so many ways to present that most honorable of legumes. However, PB&J knows the truth! We know that Carver didn't stop at 300. We know that Carver developed another use--one that he never told anybody about, but the fruits of which he is only now beginning to reap.

Need proof? Here is an article from 2002. And another from 2004.

And another.

And another.

And another.

Allergic to peanuts?! Whoever heard of such a thing?

Now, I didn't actually read any of those articles, I just scanned the blurbs I got on Google. But I think the headlines make it pretty damn clear that this is all part of George Washington Carver's elaborate plan to get revenge on the white man for slavery.

Be strong, fellow Americans! We won't let the Jews take all our money. We won't let the Mexicans take all our jobs. And we certainly won't be scared of a black man's peanuts.

You hear that, Mr. Carver? That is the sound of freedom filling it's mouth with your nuts!


PB King of Memphis, Tennessee said...

Hello, my name is Professor Shabazz K. Morton. In 1895, at the Tuskagee Institute in Alabama, a black man named George Washington Carver developed a new method of soil improvement through crop rotation to end the South African cultural dependence on cotton alone. As a result, Carver came up with hundreds of industrial uses for the peanut. Sure, industrial uses.

Meanwhile, one night, he's having a few friends over to his house for dinner. And one of them leans over and says to Dr. Carver, "Excuse me, George? What's that your putting on your bread?" Carver says, "Oh, that's nothing but a butter substitute that I made from peanuts. I can't digest all that animal fat, you know." So the other fellow tasted it, and he says, "Hmm..This tastes pretty good, man. Mind if we take a peek at the recipe?" And Dr. Carver says, "Take a peek? Man, you can have it. Who's gonna eat butter made out of peanuts? No, I'm working on a method to compress peanuts into phonograph needles."

So, Professor Carver's two dinner guests..Edward "Skippy" Williamson and Frederick "Jif" Armstrong - two white men - stole George Washington Carver's recipe for peanut butter, copyrighted it, and reaped untold fortunes from it. While Dr. Carver died penniless and insane, still trying to play a phonograph record with a peanut.

Anonymous said...

Are you SERIOUS...? Seeing as how you did'nt read all of that "proof", I'll simply say that your flawed way of thinking is simply due to ignorance and not stupidity. What I think you, and anyone else who has fallen in line with your poorly thought out theory, don't realize is that you've simply taken one of the MANY allergies listed as those on the rise and twisted one fact alone. It is the one thing llisted that has an African American's hand in it's popularity.
Not one of the articles states that the group of people affected by this increase in allergic reactions are "white". In fact, no race at all is listed; there are only statistics on general populations. If you'd like to, however, focus on the nations used, those articles only state that the nations that are not as developed as the U.S have less alergies. Obviously, you've taken that one fact to mean the U.S is populated by more whites than any other nation...not true. "Whites" are actually a minority in America and majority in most parts of Africa. All I'm saying is, if you're going to make an outlandish statement (especially involving race)...have more logical reasoning and facts to back it up! I'll end by saying, whatever race the "idealist" who wrote this article is...IT'S IGNORANT!!!!