Saturday, July 14, 2007


The Fluffernutter sandwich is the retarded cousin of PB&J. Its parents bring it over one Saturday a month and PB&J has to spend the day watching out that the other sandwiches don't pick on it, that Fluffernutter doesn't eat bugs or dig in the trash, and that Fluffernutter's helmet stays on properly.

At the end of the day, Fluffernutter's parents take it home and put it back in the Cage of Shame where it belongs. They go to bed crying, wondering if they're being punished for all the drugs they did and all the free love they had in the '60s.
(They are.)

Fluffernutter has special medication to keep it from flipping out and having seizures.

Fluffernutter is the sandwich that is giving you the finger as the short bus rides by.

One day, you will walk into a public restroom to find Fluffernutter standing in there naked, without its bread on, asking you if it can see your "crunchies."

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