Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Purple Power!

Why is it, when some cracka is trying to prove to you he/she isn't racist, they always say something like "I don't care if someone is black, white, or purple . . ."?

When have any of us really had to worry about purple people? It's not like there are packs of purple people crossing the board from Purplico and stealing those dishwashing jobs we used to really enjoy.

Have the purple people begun producing superior consumer electronics in Purplokyo?

Are we figthing purple insurgents who are upset over our occupation of Purplistan?

I don't know. As long as we keep the purple people confined to the purpletto of South Central Los Purpeles, Purplifornia, I'm really not going to worry about it.

Besides, it's those orange and green people I really can't stand. I just don't get what our white women see in those tangerine and olive muthafuckas.


Anonymous said...

One word: Motha' Fuckin' Prince.

Yeah, I know that's three words, but you just can't say Prince without some choice expletives in front - he's that good. The Purple One is a race all his own, and you're not nearly cool enough to join, so don't even try. The Artist doesn't steal fucking dish-washing jobs, either. He takes what he wants, then returns to his home-base in the greater Minneapolis area as a victorious conquerer.

You think he's lame? He'll just fuck another stripper.

You think he hasn't release a notable album in 10 years? He'll just play you tracks from one of his 3-CD greatest hits release until you fall to your knees in a quivering heap, begging like a schoolgirl for His purple forgiveness.

But what about Michael Jackson? Bitch, please.

You ever try wearing ass-less leather pants during a Minnesota winter? You can't, 'cause you're not the Purple One.

Purple is peautiful. Purple Power.

Mudgeon said...

You have proven my point (with much cursing, as point should always be proven). The purple people have given us Prince. So let's stop insulting them by comparing them to black and white people.

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I take offense!! Just because my mother was from Redaska and fell in love with my Yellownian father doesn't make me a bad person! Why do you hate me so!!! (weep. weep.)